some people just should never bee seen naked by other people, much less do porn, this is just trolling into puking

Wait till HU gets a load of this

Imagine being that much of an incel you only think attractive women come in one size & shape...

Imagine being the kind of guy who lowers their standards so they can fuck a gamorrean guard from Star Wars

At least I get pussy & I'm not in my mum's basement crying & jerking it to star wars, what's worse than an incel? An incel nerd stinking up convention halls that'll never in their life touch a woman so they resort to pathetic outbursts on the internet and look at rule 34 of their favourite fantasy character all day

Sounds like I touched a nerve as quickly as you touch vagina that smells like spoiled cottage cheese

Only vagina you've ever touched os your mum's when you came out of it, go take a shower & go outside incel

And keep weeping to yourself when you manage to hit those double baggers, which I even doubt happens if it happens at all

You seem to know a lot about bagging, probably from all the ball bags you've had in your mouth