NinaPhoenix Photo #619

Tamara Dido, ninaphoenix, ninaphoenix_


ug, kind've gross, looks like she let herself get fat as hell to get that fat ass and big nasty saggy titties them had that stomach folded and stapled a few times, fucked up her belly button, seems a shame, her face seems like it was decent 60+ pounds ago

the actual fuck are on about? gay ass comment, and you have a transphobic pfp being this fucking gay dude?? imagine not wanting to bang these huge tits, bet your tiny insecure weiner coudnt handle her pussy

or maybe I have standards, you go ahead and fuck old saggy tits there , homey, not every dude out there has to take or beg for any hole thrown at him, some of us have some very nice options, sack up, gain some fucking self respect and self confidence, and maybe chics will pick up on it, and you will not have to settle, lol, or stay a fuckin low life, and enjoy everyone else's scraps, you pathetic fucking reject